With StudyWorx, study smart, not hard.
Say NO to long hours of studying.
Say YES to effective, short study hours with StudyWorx by DARE Courses.
With our 10 easy steps, StudyWorx is an interactive online course that will guide you to soar through your studies. Our proven solution has helped over 18 000 students and scholars not just in South Africa, but in countries across the world. We help students and scholars to study effectively, producing excellent results in their schoolwork and studies, with several students improving with 20%+ in their subjects.
From understanding how to sharpen your neuro-functioning, to practical study habits, memory enhancement and brain exercises, this course will change your life forever.
Are you tired of feeling stressed before and during tests or exams?
Do you feel negative about studying and that you are not getting a breakthrough in concentrating and remembering all your work? Are you worried about the workload and generally feeling that you can’t?
With StudyWorx, YOU CAN! You can:
✔ Know about 80% of your work before you start studying for exams or tests.
✔ Have a sharp focus with excellent memory
✔ Spend less time studying and have more time for other activities
✔ Get distinctions in your subjects and studies
✔ Understand the impact of stress on your studies and overcome these obstacles
✔ Change your life & reach your full potential through this course
How did StudyWorx impact some of our students?

Aobalewe T.
Aobalewe attended the DARE Course and came to thank us: he was on the top 10 of his school in Kuruman. He said that the DARE Course is the reason for his success. DARE Courses change the lives of learners, because it helps them to understand their purpose in life and to enhance their performance.

Amorie P.
Amorie's mother contacted us and said that DARE changed Amorie's life. She is motivated changed her way of thinking about many things, resulting in up to 13% increase in her subject marks. She even helped some of her friends who struggled with their studies. "DARE gave her eagles' wings and she feels that nothing can stop her. Thank you!"

Ruwee B.
Ruwee's mother said that, after applying what he learnt in the DARE Course, his average increased with 30%, and in Afrikaans and Math, his mark increased with 20%. His mother's advice to students and scholars: "Do the training and applying what you learn. It will change your life."
How did they do it?
They implemented the 10 easy steps from the StudyWorx course. If they can do it, YOU CAN TOO!

StudyWorx (Online Course Only)
What it includes:
- StudyWorx Course
- PLUS: Free Course included
- Immediate access to your course library
- Includes all videos & manuals
- 60 days' access to videos & material
We use Payfast for secure online payments. For international payments, please select your preferred currency from the dropdown menu next to the amount.

StudyWorx PLUS (Coaching + Community)
R1 695
What it includes:
- StudyWorx Course
- PLUS: Free Course included
- PLUS: Weekly online group coaching sessions (+/- 16 sessions)
- PLUS: Exclusive study community on Facebook
- PLUS: Coaching support through Facebook community
- Immediate access to your course library
- Includes all videos & manuals
- 60 days' access to videos, material, coaching & community
We use Payfast for secure online payments. For international payments, please select your preferred currency from the dropdown menu next to the amount.
Our 10 easy steps have helped thousands of students across the world overcome the impact of stress in exams and changed their lives.
Get The StudyWorx Course Now
This is the course for you if you want to:

✔ stress less in the exam,
✔ concentrate effectively,
✔ to remember what you study,
✔ to study quick and easy & get the A + without major effort

✔ spend less time on studying but get good marks,
✔ prepare efficiently for the exams,
✔ think positive about studying,
✔ feel positive about your study time

✔ be more energetic when you need to study,
✔ sleep efficiently in the exam,
✔ feel in control of your study ability and in control of your time.
Watch the video to listen to what more students share about what the StudyWorx course meant to them:
Join these students and thousands more that saw their marks increase and their lives changed!
What you will experience after doing our
StudyWorx course:
- 🏆 Know how to be brain sharp
- 🏆 Understand what to do to memorize work effectively and not waste time
- 🏆 Apply behavioral tools to reduce the possibility of downshifting
- 🏆 Know what to do to concentrate effectively
- 🏆 Use your thought preferences to benefit your way of studying
- 🏆 Implement behavioral tools to study much easier
- 🏆 Use correct and most effective brain exercises to stimulate the brain and prevent sensory brain blocks
- 🏆 Positivity regarding your studies and your future

More from students that did our StudyWorx course:

Robyn-Leigh J.
(Mossel Bay)
“The training meant a lot to me. I’ve been struggling to get the marks I know I can get, because I have the potential for it. Now I know I can! I worked hard at my work to get money to pay for this, it was definitely worth it, thanks! My marks already increased so far, my Physics mark went from 56% to 86% after the training!"

Neil H.
"From the moment I attended the (DARE) course, I did my brain exercises every morning and afternoon. I always felt fresh and positive and after the course I was eager to learn and for exams. I had a lot of fun writing and there wasn't really anything that was difficult. I got 85% average with 5 distinctions. My science mark for the first term was 58% and after the course I brought it up to 79%, I almost got a distinction for him as well."

Lianda P.
"Before the DARE training, I never felt like learning, I could never get the things in my head. The work was always too much and I always struggled to do homework. After the DARE training, in the third term, my Math marks improved from 66% to 93%. I am more organized with my learning process. My Science marks also improved from 56% to 65%. I learn easier, more fun and faster."

StudyWorx (Online Course Only)
What it includes:
- StudyWorx Course
- PLUS: Free Course included
- Immediate access to your course library
- Includes all videos & manuals
- 60 days' access to videos & material
We use Payfast for secure online payments. For international payments, please select your preferred currency from the dropdown menu next to the amount.

StudyWorx PLUS (Coaching + Community)
R1 695
What it includes:
- StudyWorx Course
- PLUS: Free Course included
- PLUS: Weekly online group coaching sessions (+/- 16 sessions)
- PLUS: Exclusive study community on Facebook
- PLUS: Coaching support through Facebook community
- Immediate access to your course library
- Includes all videos & manuals
- 60 days' access to videos, material, coaching & community
We use Payfast for secure online payments. For international payments, please select your preferred currency from the dropdown menu next to the amount.
Meet Your Coach
"My name is Emilise Rautenbach. I am a highly experienced behavioral consultant and coach with a Master's degree in Psychology and an International Coaching accreditation. With over 20 years in the business world, I am the founder of DARE, a successful business specializing in equipping leaders and teams for excellence in performance. My expertise lies in understanding brain functioning during stress, thought preferences, and temperament. I also offer services in career guidance, marriage counselling, study coaching, parenting coaching, and various courses on behaviour. I am also an inspiring speaker, drawing on my work as a behavioral counsellor and coach to deliver impactful talks on various topics."

Frequently Asked Questions
How many lessons are in the StudyWorx course?
How long will it take to complete the course?
When will I see results in my marks?
How long will I have access to the StudyWorx course?
Are there different package options for purchasing the StudyWorx course?
If I sign up today, when will I get access to the course?
Get the StudyWorx course today:

StudyWorx Course (Online Course Only)
What it includes:
- StudyWorx Course
- PLUS: Free Course included
- Immediate access to your course library
- Includes all videos & manuals
- 60 days' access to videos & material
We use Payfast for secure online payments. For international payments, please select your preferred currency from the dropdown menu next to the amount.

StudyWorx Course PLUS (Coaching + Community)
R1 695
What it includes:
- StudyWorx Course
- PLUS: Free Course included
- PLUS: Weekly online group coaching sessions (+/- 16 sessions)
- PLUS: Exclusive study community on Facebook
- PLUS: Coaching support through Facebook community
- Immediate access to your course library
- Includes all videos & manuals
- 60 days' access to videos, material, coaching & community
We use Payfast for secure online payments. For international payments, please select your preferred currency from the dropdown menu next to the amount.
DARE Courses is a proud collaboration between DARE Training & Provisio Marketing.
Click on the logo/s for more information.